Saturday, July 26, 2008


Today/yesterday since it's 1.38am in the morning such an exhilarating day. I had class as usual, and law wasn't that bad at all. hmm, what have I learnt today..well okay..this one is handy. When you go to those supermarkets, etc usually on the glass section there will be a sign that goes something like this...

"Nice to see, nice to hold, once broken considered sold'

Well, the actual truth is if you broke say for example a glass, you don't really have to pay for it as no contract between you and the supermarket are being made because O + A = C. Offer + acceptance = Contract. In this case, no acceptance was made therefore it is not considered a contract. Obviously though, your refusal to pay for something that you have broke whether accidentally or not will result in public arguments and I quote my lecturer here 'Public arguments are very ugly, I don't understand how some people fight/ argue in public'. I guess it's decency as well.

Well anyway, enough about contracts. lol. After class, I spent the whole evening with my friends, managed to go back home, took my shower and even went out for dinner with mom, uncle and daus. After all that is done, I managed to go to a friend's house (the same person I hanged out with in the evening) We spent the time talking, watching a scary movie which makes no sense to us at all.

We did quite a series of things but I'm too tired to write it out. hmm, but today I found out that one of my friend is quite like me in a way. We kinda have the same way of thinking and the things we do, the sacrifices we endure for others sake- we pretty much have the same ideology.
well anywya, gtg now. Nite nite all.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Keep your enemies close

Right now I'm busy investigating on my law lecturer likes and disklikes. I have a presentation tomorrow, a group presentation and to be frank it's quite freaking me out because I've heard stories of her lashing out to unexpecting students. lol. but yeah I guess it's kinda like the saying 'know your enemy' except she's no enemy of mine, she's just a superior of mine. So I know now that she doesn't like it when students pass notes around during presentation. aargh, that's what we always do. I just dont want to flunk this subject!

I havent been blogging for a while but there is a very good reason for that. The reason is no other than "i'm too busy"

Thursday, July 3, 2008


After trying many times I finally got accepted to payperpost. I am officially a 'postie'.

I don't actually quite remember how I stumbled to it but one thing for sure is I have been trying to apply to get into it since last year or was it the year before? Lol. I don't remember. I just logged in today and it seems very nice. Oh boy, oh boy, was I excited when I first logged in. Actually no, the excitement kind of faded away with the long loading time. It's no fault of PPP though, I just happen to have a slow connection. Lol, yes, not every one has streaming broadband, etc as their connection!

Anyway, back to PPP. I like the open opportunities panel although I don't have much option though as many of them are only available to english-speaking countries or western countries? but whatever, the PPP post is 20 smackeroos while the others are not bad offers too, too bad I can't accept them.

but whatever right, more opportunities will come along. I'll just relax, sit back and wait for it to come knocking on my door. Don't just take my word for it though check it out for yourself. Obviously in blogging there are some ethics to be followed. Blog ethics are ethics or conducts in blogging, go read it by clicking on ' blog ethics '. It has some useful stuff there that will help you with PPP.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Getting a degree online

I hate it when I get spam messages that has something to do with getting online degrees from xx university. I guess it's kind of depressing because some people go through the extremes just to get their degree or certificate or whatever and to know that people (who can afford it) could just buy their degree online.

But I guess there's not much to worry because I don't think the degrees are if not fake not authorized or recognized or something.

Oh and my classes are starting next week so I guess I better make use the last week of my holidays to maximize my use of the internet. lol.