I just watched 'Shalom in home' or something like that. It was great and full of handy things. The episode was on this couple and their son who is quite a handful. He is such a cutie though and he's very lucky to have such great, intelligent and lovely parents. I like the way the Rabbi educates the couple on how to create rules for Zachary (the name of the boy). It was hard at first but in the end things worked out well and I'm very happy for them.
Zachary even has his own website at www.zacharymaxwell.com
I just watched the show today and I went straight into the site and to my delight, I found out about the addition to the Maxwell family. A baby boy! How sweet is that. I'm telling you...that family will do great things.
I guess the reason as to why I really like watching this is because I grew up in a broke family. I still am living in a broken household but it's okay because I'm a lot older now so I don't care about it that much. I envy happy families when I was a whole lot younger but now when I see happy families, my heart and thoughts just goes out for them and I hope that happiness inside of them remains. I'm just very happy to see a happy family. I know what it's like growing up in a broken household and if posibble I want no other children to go through what I went through during my childhood days. I know..sounds impossible but who knows maybe it will happen one day..eventually I hope.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Here's to a wondeful family!
Posted by
11:54 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
dingin betul ni bilik oo...mau pakai kaus kaki ni tapi malas betul lah mau pergi ambil.
erm...one exam down, four more to go...YAY! NOT!
exam weeks are on. I have about three more weeks to go before exams are finished. Can't wait
Posted by
12:40 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
father of mine
I think I miss my father...as in my real father. I'm not saying that my stepfather is no good but sometimes I just miss having a father figure in my life. Well, my father is still alive but what I mean is that I want a father who lives with us.
I guess my definition of a family institution is quite screwed. lol. but what exactly is a real family institution? What makes it? Does having one means to have father, mother and their childrens.
My stepfather is okay but sometimes he just is... (I dont know what the word for it is). It's fine with me though because I guess that's just the way he handles with things.
Aah...I should stop now before it gets out of hand.
Posted by
2:08 PM
Labels: family
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Rest in peace Comel
I finally got to go back home to my grandfather's place only to find out that Comel has crossed the bridge to another place. She died about a week ago but no one told me, I should have gone there during my free time, maybe she misses the companion, the hugs and all the love that I have showered her with.
Comel, rest in peace. I'm sorry for not being with you during the last two weeks of your life.
Posted by
9:48 PM
AShop Commerce
I’ve heard a lot of stories where people actually make money (probably tons of them. lol) through the World Wide Web by selling their products online. It may seem hard to do and stuff but obviously the success of individuals who made money this way tells us that although it might seem hard it is possible to do! The act of selling your products online is called e-commerce so ladies and gentleman, e-commerce does work if you know how to make it work.
It makes utmost sense that the most important thing that you need to have is some kind of ecommerce software and if you’re looking for just that then worry no more. Ashop commerce is a great organization dealing with shopping cart software. It’s not just restricted to shopping carts though as the services that this certain organization provides are so much more than just that.
I think the best thing about this whole deal is you get a free trial for ten days, yes, no typo here – ten days! Never worry about any technicalities errors because with live support tool, should you encounter any problems the live chat can sort things out for you.
The site is really informative too. I love nothing more than a site that is simple but informative and very straight to the point so there’s no mucking about the bushes on the services being offered.
My final say on Ashop commerce. A superb organization offering superb services.
Posted by
9:42 PM
I had such an avocado day yesterday. I woke up and tucked straight into an avocado fruit. It was good...and after that I made juice out of it, another good one! hehehe. The truth is I have no clue what an avocado was until I started doing my entrepreneurship project paper where our business plan was on the cultivation of avocados.
We were driving through town yesterday and I saw them so mom stopped and I bought them. 1kg is being sold for RM6.00. Sounds like a great deal until I figured out that a kg only gets you 3 avocado fruits. lol. I thought I would get 5 or maybe even more.
hehehe. I'm full of glee after having my very first taste of that wonderful fruit.
Posted by
1:07 AM