Saturday, December 8, 2007

Concrete Jungle

I'll be going to the big city tomorrow, the metropolis. It's pretty exciting. well..actually, We'll go to other states first as the hotels are fully booked and we will only be going to the 'big one' after the 10th.

concrete I come. *laughs* but seriously...why go to the concrete jungle when you can enjoy the real thing back at home. We're going on a holiday - that's why. It's the 'visit Malaysia year' but then again on the other hand, we wouldn't go for a holiday overseas anyway. hehehe. That would be too costly.

I am excited for the trip tomorrow but at the same time I loathe the idea of going for a trip. I'd rather stay at home and go visit my father or something.

note to self : Be adventurous and always have a positive outlook on things.

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