Anwar has won the seat for Permatang Pauh. Seriously, who would have thought that he will win the least not with all those controversies surrounding him especially the sodomy case which is a big no, no here.
He won the election with a majority of 3000+ voters. I've heard that what the government was trying to do was not actually win it but instead to lower down the majority. I mean it would also be nice if they were to win it but a pretty little bird told me that the main reason is to lower the majority which they did. He won but then again morally he lost. 10k+ down to 3k+, that does not indicate anything good.
Apparently there will be quite a number of politicians who will join him (lompat) on the 16th of September but my sources tell me that he instead will do it after hari raya in order to respect of the holy month. That would make him look like the holy one. Very smart indeed.
Well anyway, that is all for tonight.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
He won but morally he lost?
Posted by
10:27 PM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Head over heels
I think I have fallen head over heels for this guy whom I met last sunday. He's so quiet and it's so interesting to watch him do his thing. lol. He has this emo hairstyle but I don't think he's an emo type of guy though. He has a fair complexion and not that tall. I dont know why but people call him weird or a weirdo. Even our facilitator described him as weird in front of the class. I guess if he's a weirdo then so be it. I'll let him be my weirdo - oh yeah, anytime baby 24/7. hahahahaha, yeah right...I'll just dream on about it! but seriously.....
you are always on my are always on my mind.... (the song plays in my head) Hehehehehe.
Posted by
1:17 AM
Monday, August 4, 2008
Cutie alert
We had our module today. It was quite okay, we were in the 'science clique' group because our group had enough people in it. It was okay though because they're quite funny although some are quite pompous? but the majority of them were pretty cool.
I was quite pissed to have to go to uitm on a sunday but wohoo...I saw this cute boy. He had this emo look on him with his scruffy hair. I thought he had a big head though (physically speaking) and his nose is a lil' bit bigger than normal but I thought he's still cute though. How do I know he has a big head and nose? Well at first I thought about it but brushed it away because I thought that it was just my imagination but later on my friend told me so I know for sure that it wasn't only me. hehehe.
so I guess today wasn't thrown away out of the window just like that. He's such a cutieeee. He's quiet too which totally impresses me in a guy. hehehe, I guess I'm attracted to emo guys maybe? or guys who's considered as eccentric or unique or weird or whatever the word is. A lot of people are saying that he's kinda weird. lol. okay, I get it I better stop now.
Posted by
9:51 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Today/yesterday since it's 1.38am in the morning such an exhilarating day. I had class as usual, and law wasn't that bad at all. hmm, what have I learnt today..well okay..this one is handy. When you go to those supermarkets, etc usually on the glass section there will be a sign that goes something like this...
"Nice to see, nice to hold, once broken considered sold'
Well, the actual truth is if you broke say for example a glass, you don't really have to pay for it as no contract between you and the supermarket are being made because O + A = C. Offer + acceptance = Contract. In this case, no acceptance was made therefore it is not considered a contract. Obviously though, your refusal to pay for something that you have broke whether accidentally or not will result in public arguments and I quote my lecturer here 'Public arguments are very ugly, I don't understand how some people fight/ argue in public'. I guess it's decency as well.
Well anyway, enough about contracts. lol. After class, I spent the whole evening with my friends, managed to go back home, took my shower and even went out for dinner with mom, uncle and daus. After all that is done, I managed to go to a friend's house (the same person I hanged out with in the evening) We spent the time talking, watching a scary movie which makes no sense to us at all.
We did quite a series of things but I'm too tired to write it out. hmm, but today I found out that one of my friend is quite like me in a way. We kinda have the same way of thinking and the things we do, the sacrifices we endure for others sake- we pretty much have the same ideology.
well anywya, gtg now. Nite nite all.
Posted by
2:07 AM
Monday, July 21, 2008
Keep your enemies close
Right now I'm busy investigating on my law lecturer likes and disklikes. I have a presentation tomorrow, a group presentation and to be frank it's quite freaking me out because I've heard stories of her lashing out to unexpecting students. lol. but yeah I guess it's kinda like the saying 'know your enemy' except she's no enemy of mine, she's just a superior of mine. So I know now that she doesn't like it when students pass notes around during presentation. aargh, that's what we always do. I just dont want to flunk this subject!
I havent been blogging for a while but there is a very good reason for that. The reason is no other than "i'm too busy"
Posted by
9:41 PM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
After trying many times I finally got accepted to payperpost. I am officially a 'postie'.
I don't actually quite remember how I stumbled to it but one thing for sure is I have been trying to apply to get into it since last year or was it the year before? Lol. I don't remember. I just logged in today and it seems very nice. Oh boy, oh boy, was I excited when I first logged in. Actually no, the excitement kind of faded away with the long loading time. It's no fault of PPP though, I just happen to have a slow connection. Lol, yes, not every one has streaming broadband, etc as their connection!
Anyway, back to PPP. I like the open opportunities panel although I don't have much option though as many of them are only available to english-speaking countries or western countries? but whatever, the PPP post is 20 smackeroos while the others are not bad offers too, too bad I can't accept them.
but whatever right, more opportunities will come along. I'll just relax, sit back and wait for it to come knocking on my door. Don't just take my word for it though check it out for yourself. Obviously in blogging there are some ethics to be followed. Blog ethics are ethics or conducts in blogging, go read it by clicking on ' blog ethics '. It has some useful stuff there that will help you with PPP.
Posted by
10:04 AM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Getting a degree online
I hate it when I get spam messages that has something to do with getting online degrees from xx university. I guess it's kind of depressing because some people go through the extremes just to get their degree or certificate or whatever and to know that people (who can afford it) could just buy their degree online.
But I guess there's not much to worry because I don't think the degrees are if not fake not authorized or recognized or something.
Oh and my classes are starting next week so I guess I better make use the last week of my holidays to maximize my use of the internet. lol.
Posted by
3:28 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Deco to move to chelsea?
Deco to move to chelsea?
so finally chelsea found a manager who is willing to manage the club. That special man is Luiz Felipe Scolari..well, he's the one who wanted to bring deco in the national team when he was still in porto so you know for sure that he is a good manager. lol.
I have this thing for deco when I was in form 4 or was it 5? I even had pictures of him on my school tables. lol. well, yeah...kinda sad. lol. but seriously, those were the good ol' days.
The rumour is that he's bringing deco and eto'o to chelsea. ermm...damn. I want deco to move and play for an english club too but to chelsea? -_-'. I don't know but I think I would rather deco to go to Inter and be under Mourinho again. lol. but that's just me. Deco has this wish to be able to play in England before he hangs his boots so no wonder he 'apparently' rejected the move to Inter.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Life goes on
I might be wrong but I think he's (Mr.F) getting bored with us.
The baby (well, not a baby because he's almost three) was crying like mad (there are times that I feel like stranggling him) because he wanted some coke (the drink and not the drug. lol) but I didn't want to give him because she told me not to. I hid the bottle away but somehow the little boy just found out where I hid it. He (Mr.F) was probably upset because I made the apple of his eye cry (I was quite stern in which I spoke to the little boy in a loud tone). He then said (translated) ...'If things are like this, I'm getting bored of you people' or something like that. I was in the kitchen at that time and was mumbling to myself 'If you're bored then LEAVE. She'll probably be better off without you'. I don't know for sure though if she will. She said she's independent and stuff like that but hey, if you're independent then why linger on to someone who hurts you and sometimes who is such an egoistic and cocky person. And then people will say it's because of love. Sod that...
or I could be wrong here. I probably don't understand this whole concept of family yet because as far as I know I never have experienced this so called family thing because mom and dad separated when I was a young, young girl. And they soon got divorced when she married a muslim man. She changed her religion but I don't really know if mom and dad are considered as being divorced because according to the Roman Catholic church rules, no couples are to be divorced and even if the couple is separated or 'divorced', they are not able to marry unless one of them dies. Quite sad...
I'm quite a screwed up individual...but I can't help it...
Posted by
11:45 PM
Labels: family
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I strained my neck muscles and now they're sore and I'm tired of having to keep my neck straight all the time.
Anyone knows what to do?
Posted by
11:28 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Kotobian tadau tagazo do kaamatan
I just got a ps2 slim in cinnabar red. Why red? I just like the colour red and so does my cousin who is the same age as me... but anyway, I have been busy playing games. I got 10 free games but there are only about 4 games that I like and they are harry potter and the order of pheonix, pro evo I think (some football game) and I quite like the gran turismo 3 (It's nice to play when bored) and pirates-legend of black bucaneer (I have just started playing it and it seems to be quite decent to me). The other 6 are games that I guess I don't really have interest on. They are games like lord of the rings, star wars (Never was a star wars fan, in fact I've never even see the movie...I tried to once but fell asleep the whole movie), some yu-gi-oh game, Resident evil (old one), spiderman 2?3? and X-Men.
oh it's the 31st of May now so happy kaamatan or happy harvest festival to you.
Kotobian tadau tagazo do kaamatan.
*Next in mind is getting a psp. lol. I'm saving money for it and so far I haven't even got RM10 saved yet. :P and I know i'm such a freak for games..
oh and yes, I'm quite a geek or dork or whatever term is being used!
Posted by
12:43 AM
Labels: kaamatan
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Alpha-H for you and I
Here’s the story, my family has a pretty good genes (for girls) when it comes to our skin. Obviously like in most other cases, the older you get the more your skin ‘age’ with you. Don’t get me wrong because I don’t mean it in a bad way but what I’m trying to say is = it wouldn’t hurt for aging people such as myself and my mom to use something that could help improve our skin.
Now this is where an Australian company under the name of Alpha H comes in. Well, what is so good about this Alpha-H? Let me answer that ( I actually have a friend using it and judging to her skin now I’d have to say it works). Alpha-H is an advanced cosmeceutical skin care line and it also happens to be one of the first company not only in the land down under but also in the world to have had developed a variety of glycolic formulations in combination with several different vitamins and other ingredients.
The ingredients penetrates and reaches the layers of skin where it apparently would be most effective while maintaining a balanced pH level to help improve the skin. Obviously the pH level of our skin is very important. The pH of our skin should be in the right level. What is the right level? Lol, I don’t know...
So there you go, another good product to consider – the Alpha H .It seems like a very interesting and also a trustworthy product so you know now that if you have any sort of problems with your skin you could look no further than Alpha-H or your local dermatologist. lol
Posted by
5:22 PM
Labels: Reviews
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I stayed up to watch the game last night and the moment of truth- penalties were really nerve wrecking.
but it doesn't matter because in the end, united won anyway! yay!
because I stayed up all night last night, I decided that I would go get some sleep later on during the day which I did. lol. I slept at 8 and woke up at 1.30 pm...but obviously there were some interruption by my little brother. aah, the sacrifices of being an older sibling (which I only came to learn after 18 years living life)
well anyway, the plan now is to go to bed early so till then. ciao
Posted by
10:21 PM
My theorem
There are several reactions to Mahathirs' action in quitting from UMNO. This is what I think, this is my theory:
Mahathir is a smart lad. He plays no significant role in UMNO so he can quit but upon doing so he is diverting the attention to his son Mukhriz (which is a good plan). In a way, his son kind of gets a what is referred to as a 'free publicity stint'. The rest are yet to be interpreted by me. lol
Maybe? or maybe not?
Posted by
12:24 AM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The expressor
My uncle who is from the peninsular told us in the car that Sabahans are blind and then asked me if he is right. I just said we're not blind but rather we're just loyal. He then said it's the same thing - blinded by the loyalty. I guess when come to think of it, he is quite true. This is in reference to the political society and system in Sabah. I guess I don't really know why I am blogging about all this political agenda matters because to be frank, I don't do nothing about it anyway and there's a saying that goes talk is cheap...but I guess I'll just talk about it anyway as this is probably my form of self expression. (I could almost hear people going yea right at the back of my mind. lol)
Posted by
12:19 AM
the thinker
Is there a possibility in the future that the current mayor will be the next tyt and the person replacing the current mayor will be the DO of a district that starts with a B who happens to be in the MA clan. Maybe? Who knows what the future holds.
Posted by
12:17 AM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Overheating machine
My laptop that I've had for about a year or so is now being serviced. It was just mad, it was overheating and would frequently shut down just like that and hot air would come out of the vent and stuffs like that. At first I thought it was some kind of virus but I figured out what has a virus got to do with the hot base of the laptop. Solving a problem for laptop overheating should not take too long I guess because if I'm not mistaken it's only the heatsinks that needs to be cleaned from dirt, linen, etc. This is the third day my machine is in repair which I think is an absurd period of time just for a overheating problem but hey, who knows they might have had stumbled with a few other problems along the way.
Talking about that, there's this thing that was mentioned by our law teacher about Doctors. Doctors while operating people could be in a dilemma if somehow in the middle of operation they found out the other problems of the patient but if they were to help the patient and straight away do the operation to remove or eliminate that certain problem there are chances that the doctor will be taken an action against by the patient because he/she didn't have the patients consent. I guess this kind of sucks!
Anyway, I guess this is it for now.
Posted by
12:09 AM
Friday, May 16, 2008
Dirty deeds
Again today while just sitting on the sofa in the living room, mom asked me if i'm happy with my tattoo or something along the lines of that. She has been disapproving about it since the first day I got it. You see I have this wrist tattoo that I got a year ago or so, it's black in color and it's kind of like a tribal design and almost like those Sarawakian type.
The question as to whether I regret getting it done or not is as of now still unknown to me. In a way I guess it's a yes and no.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I am not a talented person when it comes to music but if I were to be stranded on an island with only one instrument it would have to be the tin whistle or the flageolet or the penny whistle..whatever it is called.
and yes, I love it that much. I love playing it and I will be getting a friend of mine a tin whistle because I just want to share the joy of playing it. I gave one to a friend already last year and I will be giving another one to another friend. Well...I actually like him but he doesn't have to know. lol.
The ones that I have are in the key of D but in the future, I'd like to expand the collection of whistles that I have and get the different keys and even the low whistle. $ka-ching$, I can hear the sound of money being spent already.
In most cases, the expensive the musical equipment is the better it plays. Not with the tin whistle because with this instrument even the cheapest one could play extraordinary music. It pretty much depends on the person and your luck, if you're lucky then you will end up with a whistle that needs no tweaking...sweet!
This post sounds like as if I'm endorsing it or something...well, maybe I will..someday when I become reallllly good at it like Andrea Corr or like the guy in 'The Chieftains' but I doubt that will never happen. lol.
It is by far the easiest musical instrument that I can play (well, sort of play..hahaha) and I play by ear. Good instrument to train the ear with really. I love it!
Posted by
3:17 AM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Green apples
I never quite figured out what the green apple on my title bar is for. lol.
Posted by
2:13 PM
Friday, May 2, 2008
My Jewish dilemma
My last post was on this Rabbi who helped a family, etc. That made me wonder why I don’t see any synagogues over here, why I haven’t been invited to any bar mitzvahs (lol), why they don’t sell kosher stuff like kosher salt here, why I don’t see men walking about with their yarmulke and basically things like that. I guess I know why but I’m not sure if it is what I think it is. Is it because Malaysia is an Islamic country and Islam and Jewish, they don’t have quite good of a relation. I am guessing that is partly correct. Unless you have a diplomatic passport, the normal Malaysian passport deny Malaysians from entering Israel which I think is quite a loss because I’ve heard great things about the country.
Do you know why we have no Jews over here? and why Israelis are not allowed to enter (I think because they had some little problems with Chelsea coming in for a friendly as Avram Grant and Tal Ben Haim (I think) are Israelis)
That is all for now, till then. May the force be with you
Posted by
12:01 AM
Labels: jews
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Here's to a wondeful family!
I just watched 'Shalom in home' or something like that. It was great and full of handy things. The episode was on this couple and their son who is quite a handful. He is such a cutie though and he's very lucky to have such great, intelligent and lovely parents. I like the way the Rabbi educates the couple on how to create rules for Zachary (the name of the boy). It was hard at first but in the end things worked out well and I'm very happy for them.
Zachary even has his own website at
I just watched the show today and I went straight into the site and to my delight, I found out about the addition to the Maxwell family. A baby boy! How sweet is that. I'm telling you...that family will do great things.
I guess the reason as to why I really like watching this is because I grew up in a broke family. I still am living in a broken household but it's okay because I'm a lot older now so I don't care about it that much. I envy happy families when I was a whole lot younger but now when I see happy families, my heart and thoughts just goes out for them and I hope that happiness inside of them remains. I'm just very happy to see a happy family. I know what it's like growing up in a broken household and if posibble I want no other children to go through what I went through during my childhood days. I know..sounds impossible but who knows maybe it will happen one day..eventually I hope.
Posted by
11:54 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
dingin betul ni bilik oo...mau pakai kaus kaki ni tapi malas betul lah mau pergi ambil. exam down, four more to go...YAY! NOT!
exam weeks are on. I have about three more weeks to go before exams are finished. Can't wait
Posted by
12:40 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
father of mine
I think I miss my in my real father. I'm not saying that my stepfather is no good but sometimes I just miss having a father figure in my life. Well, my father is still alive but what I mean is that I want a father who lives with us.
I guess my definition of a family institution is quite screwed. lol. but what exactly is a real family institution? What makes it? Does having one means to have father, mother and their childrens.
My stepfather is okay but sometimes he just is... (I dont know what the word for it is). It's fine with me though because I guess that's just the way he handles with things.
Aah...I should stop now before it gets out of hand.
Posted by
2:08 PM
Labels: family
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Rest in peace Comel
I finally got to go back home to my grandfather's place only to find out that Comel has crossed the bridge to another place. She died about a week ago but no one told me, I should have gone there during my free time, maybe she misses the companion, the hugs and all the love that I have showered her with.
Comel, rest in peace. I'm sorry for not being with you during the last two weeks of your life.
Posted by
9:48 PM
AShop Commerce
I’ve heard a lot of stories where people actually make money (probably tons of them. lol) through the World Wide Web by selling their products online. It may seem hard to do and stuff but obviously the success of individuals who made money this way tells us that although it might seem hard it is possible to do! The act of selling your products online is called e-commerce so ladies and gentleman, e-commerce does work if you know how to make it work.
It makes utmost sense that the most important thing that you need to have is some kind of ecommerce software and if you’re looking for just that then worry no more. Ashop commerce is a great organization dealing with shopping cart software. It’s not just restricted to shopping carts though as the services that this certain organization provides are so much more than just that.
I think the best thing about this whole deal is you get a free trial for ten days, yes, no typo here – ten days! Never worry about any technicalities errors because with live support tool, should you encounter any problems the live chat can sort things out for you.
The site is really informative too. I love nothing more than a site that is simple but informative and very straight to the point so there’s no mucking about the bushes on the services being offered.
My final say on Ashop commerce. A superb organization offering superb services.
Posted by
9:42 PM
I had such an avocado day yesterday. I woke up and tucked straight into an avocado fruit. It was good...and after that I made juice out of it, another good one! hehehe. The truth is I have no clue what an avocado was until I started doing my entrepreneurship project paper where our business plan was on the cultivation of avocados.
We were driving through town yesterday and I saw them so mom stopped and I bought them. 1kg is being sold for RM6.00. Sounds like a great deal until I figured out that a kg only gets you 3 avocado fruits. lol. I thought I would get 5 or maybe even more.
hehehe. I'm full of glee after having my very first taste of that wonderful fruit.
Posted by
1:07 AM
Friday, March 21, 2008
Comel the rabbit
I've got a new pet rabbit. Her name is Comel - I hate that name but that's the name that the previous owner gave to her so it's gonna stick, I don't want to go changing her name and getting her all confused and all. She is just an angel, she's lovely and the tamest rabbit you'll ever see. I would let her feed of me. I would her and she would fall asleep on me and when that happens, you get the warmiest, fuzziest feeling (or did I get that warm, fuzzy feeling because she urinated one me?) I got this rabbit from a close friend of mine so comel means a lot to me. She would jump around (probably asking for food) when she sees me.
I would have to admit though that my previous history with pets are not that good. I've never really loved a pet the way I love comel. She's cute and all but..pheww...the responsibilities that comes with keeping comel is more than what I have expected. It's good though because at least I'm getting myself prepared for the real world. Yes, I still haven't considered myself as living in the real world as of yet.
Unfortunately that joy couldn't last long. I have to send her somewhere else to my grandfather's place. I don't want to part with her but my lil bro is apparently allergic to her. It's quite sad, I will miss her. The first day I got her I was thinking of giving her to my nephew already because a lot of care goes into her but now I find it hard to let her go because I'm just so attached to her now.
Posted by
11:11 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
SMORTY. I first encountered smorty through random finds on the internet (Come to think of it, I am very grateful to be able to get the chance to register and be accepted as part of the smorty family). I registered to it last year but didn’t get accepted but I believe in the saying ‘never give up’ so I tried again and guess what? I was accepted! So if you didn’t get accepted the first time, don’t give up.
I have joined other get paid to blog site but I’d have to say that so far smorty is the best…way better than the other sites which I will not name.
It builds content and the best part about this is you get to blog yet at the same time make money out of it too. The way I see it, it’s a win-win situation here for both advertisers and bloggers alike.
The layout for smorty is simple and I like it because I like clean-cuts lines which make the design and layout for smorty suitable for a person like me. It’s very straight forward and I like the forum feature too where bloggers can share their blogs or thoughts or even just to say a friendly hello.
The way it works is like this. Smorty is a blog advertising service. Advertisers advertise on blogs and bloggers easily blog for money based on what the advertisers wants. Easy peasy…
The only thing that confuses me about smorty is I find it hard to find the FAQS once you have logged in. You would have to go to the smorty blog to eventually find out the criteria needed in order for posts to be accepted. I would like it if they would have just included that under the submit task menu. Overall though, I am more than satisfied with smorty and the services provided…after all who wouldn’t want to get paid for blogging .I certainly would!
Posted by
8:55 PM
Labels: Reviews
Monday, March 10, 2008
insomniatic? me
It's 3.30am now and I am still wide awake while that Maroon 5 song is playing in the background. I love that song. I don't remember what its called...damn...brain not functioning well..
I can't sleep because I'm thinking about all kind of things like why have I skipped so many classes and all sorts. I have this dirty thought in my head and it's basically telling me that I am in the wrong crowd, that I should have just stayed in the crowd I was in before this...too late to back out? No, it's never too late but what do you tell your friends. lol. I guess things will soon be much more better because just remember.........
this too shall pass or is it past?? hmm, can't think straight now
after 10-15 years sice my last puff of ciggies, I succumbed to temptation and desire and had another puff of strawberry flavoured chick ciggarette belonging to a cousin of mine. lol. It was pretty okay but so far my opinion on women who smoke have not changed! point in going to bed now because i stll have to get up at 6 and I know if I sleep now I won't be able to wake up early...better safe than sorry!!
Posted by
3:25 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
united we stand
We were all happy when uncle won the seat for his election. I dont know though, there was probably one or two who weren't happy out of jealousy or something - it happens!lol
When we were about to go back I said bye to carl and he said to me 'kita sudah menang' and I just smiled back feeling a certain feeling of warmth, proud and joy inside knowing that this time around in his hometown he didn't lose.
The word 'kita' makes me feel like i am a part of the party (political party) which is quite good but am I meant to stay loyal to the party even after uncle is no longer the president of it? i'm not even 21 yet but I grew up supporting uncle when he was in PDS and then UPKO. I was still a little girl when he was in PBS though so I don't remember anything.
Loyalty is very hard to find nowadays - even in marriage. In 4 years time will I still be supporting uncle's party. This is supposedly his last term but what if next term he jumps to an opposition party, will I be supporting this party or that party? lol.but he's a man of his word. If he says this is his last term then this will indeed be his last term
and I guess when the time comes, I will know which path I will go...only time can tell
Posted by
10:10 PM
Awaiting comment from Tun Mahathir
General election is over....awaiting comments from Tun Mahathir. I am very excited as to what his reactions would be on the number of seats BN lost to theopposition...apparently from what I heard the amount of seats lost was because of peoples disastisfaction towards Abdullah
what suprises/shocked me:
Sharizat lost
Samy Vellu lost
ROsnah wonPatrick sindu got about 12k votes - I would have voted for him for various reasons
Pairin won
khairy won
Nurul izzah won
Musa wonAnnifah won
Pairin won
DAP!! -getting stronger
Bernard D. lost by quite a number in kepayan! those ungrateful kepayan brats!..but thankfully he won though by 1-2k majority.
UPKO won all its seats
Posted by
10:08 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
slaying my demon
When I was younger I used to cut myself. I guess that was my 'demon' and in a way it still is my demon although it's not affecting me that much now.
Have I slain my demon yet?
I guess not, sometimes the urge to do it again could reappear just like that. I hate that feeling but at least now I can control it. I haven't slain my demon but I am in control of it...probably. There are lots of uncertainties here...
I'll write more later, it's 1am and I'm sleepy. Got to go take my beauty sleep, you know. LOL!
Posted by
1:09 AM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
iPod Nano freezing
I have encountered in several situations where my iPod nano would just freeze and you could do nothing to get it rebooted or whatever. Is this happening to you? The first time it froze, I had to wait until the battery runs out but now I have figured out a way to restart your nano.
It's quite simple really
Press the middle and the menu button at the same time for a few seconds and your nano will soon restart. lol. That's it! simple and no more worries...
Posted by
1:13 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Pro360 - Gambler haven :)
I've never been much of a gambler, in fact I'm no gambler at all.... but would I really go for online gambling? I guess so, why not? It can be easily done from home so there's no hassle in actually getting all dressed up and all that. The problem with online gambling is sometimes we just don't know which site to go to since there are zillions of gambling sites revolving around the virtual world.
If you're someone who wants to gamble online but don't know which site is the best one then worry no more. Pro360 is a great online casino review site. It lists the top 20 online casino stating the essentials such as max bonus, the ratings and obviously being a review site it reviews each of the 20 top online casinos. I think it's pretty neat.
The layout of the site is very nice, it's clean making it easy for us to browse around it. There are sections for blackjack, slots, roulette and even bingo amongst the other game of luck. I like the fact that they did this because the other games are not my cup of tea while blackjack can be considered as my cup of tea so if I only want to play blackjack then all I do is click on the blackjack menu, read the reviews and pick one site I'm interested in. Yes, it's as easy as that.
If I am someone who is really into online gambling, this site could as well be my utopian kind of site. hehehe. It's good (they have been around since 1997 so they have to be good) but since I know nothing about gambling then this is all I have to say for this site. It's definitely one site worth the visit for gamblers or aspiring gamblers.
Posted by
11:15 PM
Labels: Reviews
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
the animal in me
Another day, another post.
I am thinking of getting a rabbit and a sugar glider. A friend of mine is selling her rabbit for RM10. I would have to go find a cage, hay, pellets, litter box, litter tray and stuff. lol. I can't wait...well, actually...I can. I have name for my future pets
GIRLS - Eva, Jaya Perkasa
BOYS - Hengky Sy, Sy, Hengky
lol. pretty boring names huh? hehehe, ah...I would just have to settle for those names because I'm not creative and can't think of any better names
Posted by
9:43 PM
Another picture of Laura Ramsey's tattoo
I have another picture of Laura Ramsey's tattoo. This is basically the same pic as the previous one but personally I think this one is better because it's a little bit bigger than the previous pic so you could see a lil' bit more details.Yes, another picture of her know, we just can't get enough of it.
Quite a number of people stumbled upon this site because of her tattoo. Uh huh, I have a new favourite actress now.
P/S: I got this picture out of a website but unfortunately I don't remember which one.
Posted by
9:34 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
The not so talented whistler
I have quite a few tin whistles but everytime when I want to play or fiddle with them I just can't seem to find them. Let me see what I have.
1. Feadog D brass
2. Feadog D brass
3. Generation D brass
4. Walton's Mellow D
5. Clarke Sweetone D
6. Clarke Meg D
7. Walton little black whistle D
8. ....
hmm...I don't quite remember. I'm pretty sure I have another one or two more but it's not ringing a bell right now. Yes, my whistles are all in D. lol. All those whistles were given to me actually so bless their kind soul.
I'm not really good in playing it but I do play it for fun. The first song I learned was lough erin shore by the corrs. I used to be a big fan of them..wait, I am still am! hehehe. I got to know the tin whistle through Andrea Corr. I am still trying to play haste to the wedding and I have been doing so since last year. lol. I never quite got the hand of it.
so there you go, I don't play the tin whistle well (infact they tell me to not quit my day job - not that I have one anyway) but I still play it for fun!!!!!!
Posted by
5:29 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My prerogative - Yasmin Ahmad
I was going through the news yesterday or was it a couple of days ago... It was berita harian and Yasmin Ahmad was in it. I quite like her and I think I always have had liked her. lol. well actually no. I only knew about her last year or was it the year before. I don't know but I don't like her because people are gushing on the beauty of her works but I like her for being so genuine, so creative, so full of life. Her works are great but I personally feel that it is her personality that gets to most people.She is truly a storyteller! Her parents are beautiful people, I wish my parents were like that but no, I have to settle with having a broken family. All is not lost though, things can only get better from now on.
There's this one thing that I always say to myself and to others and it is
"Have faith"
uh huh, I even say it when I know that it won't happen but I guess I'm just trying to set up a positive mindframe. lol.
You know what people say - A positive mindframe = a positive soul = happiness = joy = etc, etc and the list goes on...hehehe, never heard of that one? well I guess it's because I just made that up. hehehe.
How can I write about her and not post a link to her blog which I bet most of you would have already known by now wow. her blog has a google pr of 4
Posted by
1:08 AM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Mika - Grace Kelly!!!!
I've gone identity madddddddddddddddddd!! love the song
Posted by
4:41 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The rainy days are in
I have caught the disease - the disease of being intensely lazy! I skipped three days of classes last week and one day this week! What is becoming of me. I guess I have to say goodbye to all those ambitious dreams of mine.
I guess this is the monsoon season now. I love the rain but then again there are times when I totally loathe it especially when I'm having my classes at the fast track. The students parking are in a questionable condition - muddy and I've seen one or two cars being stucked in the mud. I might have to go park somewhere else.
Final say: I have a love-hate relationship with the rain
Posted by
4:13 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Cheap booze, chocolates and ciggies
I typed this out earlier.
Wohoo! I arrived Labuan yesterday. Yes, Labuan… heaven for chocoholics and alcoholics. Lol. duty free baby!!!! Can you believe it? Jack Daniels for RM55!!!!, it used to be RM60 but now it’s down by RM5…holy canoly!!!! Lol, I bought 2 JDs (obviously both is not for me, 1 for my brother and 1 for moi!) In KK, JDs cost about twice that amount (RM100++)…now that is one thing that we can say “whoaaaaaaah!” to.
The chocolates and the alcohols here are dirt cheap compared to Sabah. The ferry ride was quite boring except moments when the ferry was rocking side to side due to the strong wind and waves. That was a freaky moment but I had to stay cool because my nephew was in the car. Labuan is quite a nice island, the city is quite ‘polluted’ by trash. It isn’t that bad but it is noticeable though…but further from the city you can a lot of the sea and remarkably the further you are from the city, the cleaner it gets…or so to speak. There are quite a number of expats here in Labuan and some of the house that I’ve seen here are beyond my wildest imagination…another thing that we can say “whoaaaaaaah” to. I saw this mansion and it’s so huge that I thought it was some hall or something. Victoria Mansions (It’s like an estate or housing area with mansions – very exclusive, probably for the crème de la crème of Labuan)
We are staying in Manikar Beach Resort which used to be a really nice 5 star hotel. It’s up and running now but the facilities aren’t the way they were before. The pool is quite nice though. I loved the fact that the pool is an infinity pool and overlooking the beaches. It’s very nice – you could run to the sea, have a quick dip, wash self and then run over to the pool to have a swim. The idea of it all is very exciting.
We will be going back to Kota Kinabalu tomorrow with the 1 o’clock ferry ride but I think it will be a little bit delayed though. I have nothing more to write so this is it for now.
Posted by
12:00 AM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu
Here comes the kk bandaraya celebration post. There's nothing much really to write about the celebration. It was beautiful, fun and grandddddddd though. I'm not really good at describing things. hmm...
The theme of the celebration was 'lanterns' - coinciding with chinese new year. There were a lot of very beautiful lanterns being paraded. We went there quite late so there wasn't much to see by the time we got there BUT the fireworks were great, great, great. The fireworks were beautiful and it went on for quite a while. I was captivated by the fireworks display but at the same time I cannot stop thinking about how much is being 'burned' with just those fireworks display...hehehe, mind the pun please.
Everything seems to be going just fine for our beloved city of Kota Kinabalu. I could be wrong but let us get in a positive frame of mind on this brand new year.
I am loving those fireworks. Keep 'em coming!
Posted by
11:32 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Replacing the TYT?
I need to jot this down before I forget about it
Apparently the current chief minister wanted to replace the current TYT (Tuan Yang Terutama for the state of Sabah) to another person (I don't remember the name but apparently this person is related to the chief minister through marriage). Our chief minister then flew to the peninsular to meet up with the prime minister and told him that our TYT is incapable of performing his tasks as he is unwell. The prime minister then flew to sabah to ask for himself if it is true that he is unwell but obviously the TYT, being in a good condition said no and stated that he wanted to continue on for his second term. (hehehe, I don't know for sure if that was what he said and the even that went on but I guess it was something along the lines of what I had interpreted) that's the story, he is staying! Our current TYT was appointed under the advise of our then chief minister, Datuk Chong Kah Kiat. He broke the tradition as previously TYTs were chosen from people with political lineage but this one was 'completely unknown' in the political arena. Datuk Chong Kah Kiat (from what I've heard from people) has almost the same distinction as our previous Prime Minister, Tun Dr.Mahathir - for being unique, wanting to do things differently.
At this time and era Sabah's administration, it is good to be related to Musa Aman. (I guess you would already probably know why. Hint : This era is the Musa Aman clan area
It's bandaraya day today for Kota Kinabalu. I went out to watch the celebrations but I won't be writing about it today. I had a great time though but that's all i have to say for now, I'll save it all for tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Posted by
12:26 AM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
grasping on my previous post
I just noticed that my previous post which was titled
Posted by
4:46 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sabah Development Corridor, theoritically speaking!
We (DPA students) were forced to attend the launching of the SDC (Sabah Development Corridor) which was held at Sepanggar Port yesterday. We arrived pretty darn early as the bus leaves from UiTM at 7am. It was a big event and in a way, I am kind of glad that I went for it. I was hoping to see Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok and his wife Puan Sri Diana Alip/Dompok but unfortunately they were nowhere to be seen. They were there but being VIP and all they were seated at the front and us being a nobody were seated at the back and some even outside...bummer!
- RM36 billion for the development of Sabah

To all of you non-believers, I was there! I really was there! lol. I'm like an anchovy tring to get through to the big fishes!
Posted by
1:09 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Laura Ramsey's tattoo picture
I finally found it. I got the picture from one of her fan site. It's only a small picture though but you are able to get a vague idea on what her tattoo looks like.

Posted by
11:03 PM
We played futsal yesterday. We were supposed to start at 7 but my friends and I were late for about 29 minutes. The lecturers were already waiting and I think they were quite pissed at us. As it turned out, only three of the students attended!
I had fun playing the goalie but after about 10 or 5 minutes left into the game I was pushed as a defender and later on as a midfield. It was very tiring. I made some saves as a goalie, tried to tackle and tried supplying the strikers with the ball although none made it to the back of the net. lol. I stopped playing two minutes before the end of the game, I was very tired - sweating all over and I felt as I my head was going to explode (Don't know why but it felt as if the blood are all rushing to my head)
I had a hard time driving back home and I was sweating all the way home. I collapsed (when I say collapsed, I meant slowly lying down to the floor and slept away) I had such a nice nap UNTIL my little brat of a brother woke me up by slapping my face (in a friendly way). He wanted to play with me but I was just too exhausted to bother playing with him. I'll make up for it today though.
My friend told me earlier on today that a spectator and her friends (who were watching us play futsal) laughed at me. I am a big person alright so I guess the way I play is quite humourous. She just looked at them with a stinging stare and said to them "Jangan kurang ajar" which translates to "Don't be rude". I hate it when people do that, I mean I don't critize the way people play or look no matter how bad they are so I don't think I deserve to get shit from an ignorant, obnoxious, hell-of-a-person. know...whatever! I don't want to care. I pretend I don't care with things like these but I actually do care and infact I take it to heart.aargh!!!!!! oh well, I'll just ignore and get on with my life though
Posted by
4:56 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
17 - 0
17 - 0
Obviously me and my friends playing only meant that we lost (We're not bad but we're just still new at this...)
Our opponents were the 'GFUMS'...whatever that means. I thought they were students from UMS but as it turned out they were actually the staffs there...and they had their own coach who kept on telling them what to do and where to go.
Our opponents were looking good with their matching jerseys on while my friends and I on the other hand are wearing just plain casual sports wear. They play quite well but I guess they just lack the sportmanship. A friend of mine fell and the opponents didn't even offered a hand or a simple sorry. I froze when I saw my friend fell but the opponents kept on going so we had no choice but to go with the flow and leave our friend out. The other thing that happened was a friend of mine was kicking the ball around and her shoes suddenly went flying, that was a funny moment but none of the GFUMS lads stopped- they kept on playing the darn game. Maybe this is what the game is like.
Our opponents drive for success is so high that they won't even stop, not even for a second. It could be that or it could also be that they are just too passionate for the game. whatever!
...actually it serves them no right if I don't include their positive side in this post. They played well (obviously the 17-0 score shows that), they had teamwork?, they were really serious and not all of them are arrogant, cocky women.. oops, mind the language please..can't help it
Posted by
10:11 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Laura Ramsey's tattoo
I recently watched The Covenant again! I love that movie. The best bit was when the Mustang got hit by an incoming truck, crashed and later got back into its normal stage. Way cool visual effect!
Laura Ramsey has a pretty nice tattoo. It's like a tribal cross in two colours - black and red. It seems like a lot of people like her tattoo and are finding good quality pictures of it. Just google 'Laura Ramsey's tattoo' and most of the results are about people asking about a better quality picture of her tattoo. Way to go Ms.Ramsey, you sure did hit the jackpot in the design of your tattoo.
*will upload pictures later*
Posted by
11:51 PM
Labels: ramblings
Goalie, Ball, Green tea
I'll be playing futsal tomorrow but not with our lecturers but with the students ( I think) from the other university, our rival. lol. This goalie is all set to go...pfft! yeah right!
Osman, an old friend, my omerta friend whom I met through omerta suddenly messaged me through MSN after so long. It's great to hear from him. I love him.
I am addicted to green tea ice creams. A couple of my friends tried it and they are not too fond of it. They say it has a bitter taste or something...ah well I guess it's basically the same with saying beauty is in the hands of the beholder....and more for me! lol
Posted by
11:35 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Lisa Loeb

Posted by
9:01 AM
thank god it's the weekend
My classes are now in session. It's not as bad as I thought it would have been (although I guess it's a little bit too early to say My schedule are okay, at keast we don't get night classes no more (except for one or two of those replacement classes).
5 days a week of classes is really making me exhausted though so yay! for the weekends. The weekend should provide me with ample rest.
That is all for now. Got to go lie down and enjoy the comfort of snuggling in the blankie in a cool airconditioned room.
P/S: We're playing futsal on Monday at 7pm at Suria. I guess I'm looking forward to that..hehehe. I am actually excited about that but scared at the same time.
go with the wind....
Posted by
8:42 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Increasing traffic - Submit links
Increasing traffic – submitting links
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I hope that helps. Have a great year!
Posted by
10:42 PM